This article defines the statuses that correspond to the various stages of funding opportunities. When searching for tenders, the Status filter offers several possible selections:
Early intelligence:
- Country programming, (country strategy papers) - corresponds to the Programming stage (EC) or Country Partnership Framework (WB and others);
- Formulation (Monthly operational summaries with a short description of potential projects), which corresponds to the Formulation stage (EC) or Preparation stage (WB and others) of the PCM;
- Approval, (Negotiation and Bank approval with corresponding Project Appraisal Documents (PADs), which corresponds to Appraisal, Negotiation, and Bank Approval stages (the WB and others) of the PCM.
- Forecast – The first stage of implementation of the project, corresponds to Procurement Plans (WB), Business Forecasts (USAID), Presolicitation Notices (USDA).
- Open – proposals are being accepted before the deadline;
- Closed – proposals can no longer be submitted;
- Shortlisted – at this stage, the donor will have a list of suitable bidders, from which the successful candidate will be awarded;
- Awarded – the winner has been selected for the execution of the project;
- Canceled – the project has been terminated prior to the end-date due to various reasons. This may occur at various stages of the tender process.
Completion and evaluation (WB and others), also called Evaluation & Audit (EC).