A time-saving feature of BidNexus is it can be set up to ask Experts to update their CV automatically.
To do so, follow these steps:
1. Make sure you have set up Mail settings under Application settings. (If you don’t have access, your system administrator should be able to do this.)
2. In the Application settings page, click on the Mail tab, and then on the Templates section on the menu.
3. Click the checkbox labeled “Enable CV update requests”: you should see a Success message pop-up in the bottom-left corner of the window, and an editor where you can write your custom CV update request, such as the following.
4. Make sure you specify the CV update request interval, the Sender name (what the recipient will see as the sender of the email), Subject, Sender email, and Reply to email, other than the actual message in Content. Note that both in Content and Subject you can insert specific variables to be filled automatically by Tenderwell: discover all the available ones by clicking on the question mark icon next to Shortcode syntax:
5. Make sure you include the {{cvUpdateRequestUrl}} variable, which you can display as a link in the resulting email by using the code [{{cvUpdateRequestUrl}}]({{cvUpdateRequestUrl}}), as shown above, to allow the recipient to upload the CV directly to Tenderwell using the public frontend.
6. You will be able to find the CVs uploaded in this way under Experts and Uploaded CVs, where you can open the senders’ profile in your Experts database by clicking on their names, download and review the uploaded files by clicking on the file names, and decide if to approve or reject the CVs/files by using the respective green and red buttons under Actions, on the right. An approved CV will be indexed by Tenderwell and become searchable in the Experts database in a matter of instants.